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5 Dangerous Warning Signs 

that Swimming Pool Syndrome is the Cause of
Exhaustion, Obesity, and Premature Aging 

If you experience any of these 5 symptoms (below), chances are swimming pool toxins like chlorine, bromine, and ammonia are slowly poisoning your brain, thyroid, and liver — destroying your metabolism... aging your skin... and triggering dozens of other life-threatening conditions.  

And how an “Ancient Egyptian Nutrient” discovered by Hippocrates can safely neutralize these dangerous toxins…  

The Warning Signs...

  • Warning Sign #1: You don’t sleep long enough
    Most people focus on nutrients like magnesium or even things like CBD for sleep. But lack of Zinc is a major factor in sleep issues. In fact, in one study, researchers found that those with insomnia (difficulty falling asleep) had significantly lower levels of Zinc than those who fell asleep easily. 
  • Warning Sign #2: Your immune system is fragile
    Many already know that Zinc is often an ingredient in cold lozenges. The reason for this is that Zinc has been shown to help prevent viral replication and therefore shorten the duration of the common cold. Zinc is a natural “carrier” for the immune system, helping it function properly. So if you’re prone to colds or your immune system feels fragile — you might be lacking zinc.
  • Warning Sign #3: You have low sex drive or mood
    Did you know that zinc is a critical building block of hormones, including estrogen and testosterone? In fact, studies show that low zinc levels lead to “low T”... menopause-like symptoms and other hormone imbalances. So if you’re lacking sex-drive or your mood feels lower than normal, it could be a zinc issue.
  • Warning Sign #4: You gain weight easily
    This was another discovery that shocked researchers. When they looked at obese people, they found that they were often lacking Zinc. And in one study, they gave two groups who were dieting the EXACT same amount of calories. But the Zinc group lost more weight than the group without Zinc. This shows Zinc is essential for a healthy metabolism — and if your metabolism is slow, a lack of Zinc could be the culprit.
  • Warning Sign #5: Your gums bleed easily
    If your dental health is an issue, and especially if your gums bleed easily — you might be lacking Zinc. That’s because this essential mineral helps tighten and strengthen the gums, reducing decay and even helping brighten your entire mouth. 

Warning Sign #1:

"I'm Tired in the Morning."

Your liver converts glucose into glycogen, a form of sugar that can be stored and released later, when your body needs a burst of energy. Low energy means your liver is burdened. Your liver also filters toxins overnight. 

So if you wake up without energy it could mean your liver is battling lots of toxins. 1

Warning Sign #2:

"It's So Hard to Lose Weight"

The liver detoxifies more than chemicals and pollutants—it also is strongly connected to our metabolism, especially our hormones. 

Hormones in your thyroid, which affect your metabolic rate—and adiponectin, which affects fat-burning and cravings, are impacted by liver health. 2

Warning Sign #3:

"I Don't Feel Good After Meals."

The liver is involved in the production of bile, which is a salt that aids in digestion. When bile is stagnant, digestion slows, food backs up, and bad bacteria begin to take hold. 

This can cause fatigue, bloating, and gas after you eat. 3

Warning Sign #4:

"My Brain is Foggy, and I Struggle to Focus."

Because your liver filters your blood, and your brain uses blood—toxic or “dirty” blood can lead to a foggy brain. 

If you struggle with low mood or brain fog or can’t easily concentrate, there’s a good chance your liver is a factor. 4

Warning Sign #5:

"I Have Dark Circles Under My Eyes."

According to New York Times best-selling author Anthony William: 

Dark circles or even sunken eyes for weeks or months mean a hidden problem: a liver problem . This symptom has everything to do with a toxic, dehydrated liver creating toxic, dirty blood. 

Where the skin is thin under the eyes, it gets dark because the blood flowing through is lacking oxygen and filled with poisons.”5

Is America’s Most Abused “Football Shaped Organ” at the Root of Your Rapid Aging, Energy Loss and Weight Issues?

If you suffer from any of the 5 WARNING SIGNS above, chances are your liver is overworked and overloaded…

In fact, according to leading experts at Walden University6

Your liver is under constant threat from dangerous toxins…

And we’re not talking about alcohol…

No, the real culprit behind your liver's black spots, scarring, and fatty deposits…

Is the more than 80,000 chemicals 7   your liver encounters and processes daily.

That’s right…

The modern world is a TOXIC cocktail…

Genetically modified food, pesticides, harmful swimming pool chemicals heavy metal pollution, and thousands of industrial chemicals (that your body has ZERO clue what to do with)…

Not to mention the handful of medications many of us are on…

And you can almost GUARANTEE your liver is fatigued… Sluggish… and TOXIC.

Yet most people have no idea their liver is overrun with more than 80,000 “ghost” chemicals.

Unaware liver fatigue is the root cause of their poor health…

Their symptoms are often falsely written off as “age-related decline”… high cholesterol… weight loss resistance… diabetes… or worse…

Even the MayoClinic and Cambridge Warn Us that
Abusing Your Liver with Everyday Toxins can Lead to Liver Damage and Symptoms Like THESE We Just “Live With” and Call Normal..

  • Chronic fatigue
  • Swollen belly
  • Abdominal pain 
  • Enlarged blood vessels under the skin
  • Larger breasts (in men)
  • Swelling in the legs and ankles
  • Itchy skin
  • Red palms
  • Dark urine color
  • Pale stool color

Now I know this may be alarming…

But don’t worry…

Because I have some great news for you…

There’s a simple way you can STOP and, in most cases, REVERSE the damaging effects of liver fatigue… In just a few days!

And NO, it’s not some liver cleanse (in fact, as you’ll discover in just a moment, liver cleanses only make the problem WORSE)...

Now, before I show you a SIMPLE and TRUE way to cleanse your liver…

I’d like to share with you how I came to this life-altering discovery that will soon have 2 - U.S. and International Patents…

That ultimately allowed me to shed 21 pounds of unwanted belly fat…

Regain my energy and vitality …

And help thousands of people along the way.

Hi, I’m W.P. Phillips, MS… Published Scientist and Geologist...

And fifteen years ago, my health unexpectedly took a turn for the worse…

I began experiencing debilitating fatigue, weight gain, brain fog, insomnia, anxiety , and a host of other unexplainable symptoms.

Symptoms that robbed me of my identity and life as I’d known it.

Being in optimal health most of my life and an all-American athlete, I couldn’t believe I no longer felt like myself...

W.P. Phillips, MS

And on top of feeling god-awful, my bloated and bulging belly caused me to become insecure because I no longer looked like myself.

After visiting over a dozen health experts, no specialist could pinpoint what was wrong with me. 

In fact...

I Suffered Humiliation in Silence  WITHOUT a
Medical Diagnosis 
or  Any Answers At All for Years... 

These symptoms stole my quality of life… I felt cheated, angry, and hopeless.

Even with a master’s degree, my research focused on Environmental Chemistry and the Binding of Dangerous Toxins8

And having access to the best scientists and medicines available…

I was mystified — not only could no one help me…

But I couldn’t even help myself!

“WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?” I pondered... day in and day out —tirelessly.

Why can’t I sleep anymore... why does the doorbell send me into anxiety... why are my muscles and eyelids twitching... why is my face becoming fat and inflamed... why can’t I function as a normal human being anymore? WHY?!

If it weren’t for my family and faith, maybe I would have given up...

But I persisted. I researched my my symptoms closely, investigating cutting-edge health technologies as they came to market.

I spent years exploring everything I could find to get to the bottom of what was happening inside my body, wreaking havoc on my life.

  • You’re at the grocery store...
  • The person next to you is coughing. 
  • You’re looking for something in the supplement aisle to support your immune system. 
  • But it’s confusing and you don’t know what ingredients have the clinical research to really help... 
  • You’re about to discover how to get the critical immune support you need—without ever leaving the comfort and safety of your own home. 
  • Vitamin C
  • ​Zinc
  • ​Elderberry
  • ​Echenacia
  • ​Bupluerum
  • Astragous
  • ​Licorice

You’re at the grocery store.  

The person next to you is coughing. 

You’re looking for something in the supplement aisle to support your immune system. 

But it’s confusing and you don’t know what ingredients have the clinical research to really help... 

You’re about to discover how to get the critical immune support you need—without ever leaving the comfort and safety of your own home. 

  • You’re at the grocery store...
  • The person next to you is coughing. 
  • You’re looking for something in the supplement aisle to support your immune system. 
  • But it’s confusing and you don’t know what ingredients have the clinical research to really help... 
  • You’re about to discover how to get the critical immune support you need—without ever leaving the comfort and safety of your own home. 

The Solution I’d Been Looking  For
Finally Revealed Itself...

And no, the answer was not a special exercise program, restrictive diet, or juice “cleanse”...

Nor was it symptom-masking medications or supplements (I tried them ALL)…

I eventually discovered that toxins, specifically  LIVER TOXINS (including toxic heavy metals), were at the ROOT CAUSE of my suffering.

No wonder my condition never resolved despite all my efforts during this trying time…

NOTHING WORKED because I was treating the symptoms of my condition rather than correcting its underlying root cause.

Armed with this new information I decided to take matters into my own hands and do everything in my power to get my health back.   

  • Vitamin C
  • ​Zinc
  • ​Elderberry
  • ​Echenacia
  • ​Bupluerum
  • Astragous
  • ​Licorice

You’re at the grocery store.  

The person next to you is coughing. 

You’re looking for something in the supplement aisle to support your immune system. 

But it’s confusing and you don’t know what ingredients have the clinical research to really help... 

You’re about to discover how to get the critical immune support you need—without ever leaving the comfort and safety of your own home. 

How I Lost 21 Pounds, Regained my Energy, and FINALLY Got My Life Back...U sing THIS 30-Second Evening Ritual

Before I reveal exactly how you can use this simple 30-second evening routine to reverse the damage of liver fatigue…

Feel more energized…

And end bloating for good…

I want to share with you the disturbing truth I discovered while on this decade-long journey.   

Why Most Liver Detoxes, 
Supplements, Even Prescription Medication,
Only Make Your Body MORE Toxic.

Your liver is one of the hardest-working organs in your body…

Active 24/7… 365… tirelessly filtering out toxins.

But what happens when the job becomes TOO much, and your liver can no longer keep up with the 80,000+ chemicals it’s flooded with?

Yeah, you probably guessed it…

Your liver falls behind…

Unable to flush the toxins coming in, they build up….

Eventually leading to liver fatigue, black spots…. and fatty liver disease.

So what’s the sensible way to fix this problem?

Take something to help your liver flush the toxins, right?

Sure, that may seem like the right answer…

And many companies want you to believe that’s what you should do…

But the truth is, IT DOESN’T WORK like they say.

See, when your liver is overloaded, it dumps excess toxic waste into your colon, mostly through your body’s contaminated bile complex…

Where it sits and waits to be eliminated through your bowel movements.

But there’s just one problem…

Your colon’s job is to ABSORB digestive bile, water, and nutrients…

AND your bile is now contaminated with toxins…

And unfortunately, your body has no way of identifying and expelling these toxins…

So they aren’t removed — BUT instead are REABSORBED back into your bloodstream and body…

Eventually making their way right BACK to your liver! 

And the cycle repeats itself again and again…

Do you see the insanity?

It’s like not filtering contaminated water… Yet drinking it over and over again… expecting not to get sick, tired and brain dead from the same toxic drink.

Sip by sip eroding away the vibrant person you once were.

We must FIRST filter out the life and energy robbing toxins that damage our cells and organs.  

Before we re-contaminate our bodies again and again in this “toxic insanity” cycle.

The medical term for re-toxification that happens inside your LIVER AND BODY is called Enterohepatic recirculation (EHRC) 9

Or as I call it...

The Liver Re-Toxification Cycle:

  • The Liver processes toxins.
  • The body pushes toxins into the colon for elimination.
  • Liver toxins get re-absorbed back into the bloodstream and body tissues.
Stop the Liver Re-Toxification Cycle — 
Why You Should Never Take Milk Thistle or Other “Liver Herbs” until You Do THIS First...

Unfortunately, there’s no way your body could have known it would eventually be exposed to 80,000+ foreign chemicals.

The problem with traditional liver and herbal cleanses you buy off the shelf or on Amazon is they all rely on “toxin flushers” like Milk Thistle…

Meaning—they help your liver flush toxins into the colon…

Hoping they will be eliminated permanently…

But, as you just learned, this is NOT how it works.

Most of the Toxins are simply put back into your body through the “Liver Re-toxification Cycle"…

Bombarding your body and liver with even MORE toxins!

No wonder Milk Thistle and other “toxin flushers” have so many unwanted side effects like 9

  • Indigestion
  • Bloating
  • Gas
  • Headaches
  • Nausea

As you can imagine, I was FLOORED when I first discovered this. 

But ultimately, this breakthrough led me to find the REAL solution I’m about to share with you.

As you now know, the key to healing your liver is NOT flushing more toxins through it.

Instead, if you want to clean your liver of harmful fatty cells and toxin build-up…

You need something that will GRAB the toxin…

BLOCK it from being reabsorbed in the colon…

And safely remove it from your body.

Enter Liver Toxin Binding Ingredient #1...

The Ancient Egyptian Nutrient for Fighting Liver Toxins... 

For more than 1500 years, ancient Egyptian physicians used this sacred black nutrient to heal wounds and more…

But it was not until the father of modern medicine, Hippocrates, used it for intestinal disorders that it was re-discovered and used in Western medicine.

A French chemist so believed in the gut and detox healing power of this nutrient — he bet his life on it by consuming poison. He lived. 

In fact, when you take a pure source of this nutrient it is so powerful the Environment Medical Journal stated, “It’s one of the most important substances ever discovered.” 6

And, The Western Journal of Medicine says it “may be the single most effective treatment in many types of poisoning (toxicity).” 7

Activated charcoal traps toxins and chemicals in the gut, preventing their absorption. 

Though it can be made from peat, petroleum coke, coal, olive pits, or sawdust — those are “dirty” sources you don’t want. 

Super-activated charcoal (a natural source of CARBON) is a fine black powder ideally made from sustainable hardwood or bamboo (the purest source)... that’s the form you want.

Super -activated charcoal works by trapping toxins, pathogens, and chemicals in the gut, preventing their absorption. 

Toxins are bound in the pores through a process known as adsorption (see figure below).

This helps it trap toxins and chemicals from the liver... 

Because your body does not absorb activated charcoal, it can carry the toxins bound to its surface out of your body.

The Bottom Line:

You Don't Want to Take Any Chances
with Heavy Metals and Other Gut Toxins...

The more “insurance” you have while detoxing dangerous substances, the better... 

This is why “activated charcoal” has become so popular lately... 

It’s a powerful binder to toxins; many people take it everywhere — especially when traveling... 

Because it can even help with toxic bacteria, like food poisoning... 

BUT AGAIN , the problems with most activated charcoal supplements are two-fold: 

  • They’re either not 100% pure... 
    Because they contain metal or chemical residues from their original source... OR... 
  • Their molecular size is too large... 
    Making them only effective against a very narrow range of toxins with
    large particle sizes...
How I Discovered the Most Powerful Form  of
Super-Activated Carbon for Liver and Detox

As noted, carbon (in the form of super-activated charcoal) can come from a variety of sources. 

In fact, we tested 5 popular carbon sources available in nutritional supplements... 

Unfortunately, ALL of them came back with unacceptable levels of lead and other toxic metals. 

This was a non-starter for us... 

I wanted the purest, cleanest, most potent source of carbon available... 

Ultimately, we found a source that is 100% PURE (no metals)... non-GMO... non-bovine... and able to absorb 300 TIMES ITS WEIGHT IN TOXINS. 

This form of charcoal was so powerful, we realized it MUST be made available to everyone. 

So I worked with Dr. Shayne Morris, PhD, one of the leading formulators in the world today... 

... to create the ultimate carbon-based “gut detox” product. 

We called it TrueCarbonCleanse ® ... and it also includes our dual patent-pending volcanic detox crystal.

TrueCarbonCleanse ®  is the Single Best Way to Pull Toxic Metals and Other Dangerous Chemicals Out of Your Gut...

And hard-to-reach places in your body... 

So that your cells, organs, and body systems can repair themselves... 

And you can transform your energy and metabolism... eliminate brain fog... beat pain and inflammation... sleep better... and so much more... 

For many people, the formula is so powerful... 

It releases metals faster than the body can handle... 

This can be very dangerous — and why most people who do radical detox approaches often feel worse.

That’s why we also searched the world for another metal detoxifier that could take this to another level. 

But WAIT — We Found a Way to Make 
Super-Activated Carbon EVEN BETTER... 

Because we discovered we could pair it with an ancient volcanic mineral that has more detox power than any substance known to man...

This rare crystal nutrient is over 50,000 years old and contains “cages” that trap toxins, rendering them harmless to your body. 

I began collaborating with Dr. Shayne to make this even more effective and safe — and our process was so effective, we produced multiple patents around our discovery. 

I’ll tell you even more about this nutrient in a moment... 

But first, it’s critical you know how important this is when it comes to your liver... 

Because when rogue metals make it into your liver... 

They can be released into your bile... and make it into your gut. 

This sets the stage for candida infections (which can cause weight gain, sugar cravings, thyroid issues, gas, bloating, indigestion, and more)... 

Or it can give you fatty, “congested” liver, which robs you of valuable nutrients AND can predispose you for autoimmune conditions... 


Activated charcoal (a natural source of CARBON) is a fine black powder ideally made from coconut shells (that’s the purest source)... 

Though it can be made from peat, petroleum coke, coal, olive pits or sawdust — those are “dirty” sources you don’t want. 

Activated charcoal works by trapping toxins and chemicals in the gut, preventing their absorption. 

The carbon element’s porous texture has a negative electrical charge, which causes it to attract positively charged molecules, such as toxins.

This helps it trap toxins and chemicals in the gut... 

Because activated charcoal is not absorbed by your body, it can carry the toxins bound to its surface out of your body..

"I use CytoDefend™ to give my body that extra edge in these crazy times. I only use all natural products and love that the ingredients used meet this criteria and are tried and true. They come in one easy to use solution and are also part of the non toxic project which uses independent testing to verify there are no impurities for added peace of mind. Highly recommend!!!
-  Jeremy Abernathy, Musician
This 1-2 Detox Combo Transforms YOUR BODY...
Eric Olson  
I trust CytoDefend , to help protect me and my family of five during times where we feel like we need to support our immune systems a little more. With a background in Nuclear engineering and experience in global procurement, I research all supplements extensively before buying for my family. I know the ingredients are pure and that I can trust our health to True Cellular Formulas products. —   Eric Olson

And making sure that you get rid of metabolism and hormone-disrupting toxins for good... 

We feature this super-activated charcoal as the central ingredient in TrueCarbonCleanse...

Which also contains specialized, powerful humates (humic and fulvic acids) - for additional detox and remineralization support...

Along with key botanicals that effectively allow TrueCarbonCleanse to remove toxins and prevent retoxification... 

TrueCarbonCleanse serves as a master drainage formula that attracts toxins... 

It binds to them so they can’t be reabsorbed and escorts them out of the body.

Besides the super-activated charcoal that absorbs up to 300 times its weight in toxins... 

Enter Liver Toxin Binding Ingredient #2...
You Get Another Patent-Pending and Trademarked “Gut Detox” Ingredient that Works WITH Carbon to Clean Up the Remaining Toxins in Your Body

This trademarked and patent-pending ingredient is called Cleanoptilolite ™ (Kleen-Opt-Til-Olite). Cleanoptilolite ™ is a natural clinoptilolite (zeolite) crystal with “cages” that can easily trap heavy metals and other toxins out of the body 12 ...

Cleanoptilolite ™ was created by taking normal Clinoptilolite (Klin-Opt-Til-Olite) crystals that grow in nature and supercharging their ability to magnetically bind toxins inside the body. The transformation from normal Clin optilolite to >>>  Clean optilolite™ happens through an extensive patent-pending scientific process.

It’s so powerful, NASA has investigated Clinoptilolite for its ability to detox poisons and radiation... 

  • In their patent-pending process, they removed the natural toxins already bound to the crystal cages when they were in nature. This cleaning process opens the cages up to trap new toxins and avoid the potential of releasing toxins inside you (this is the reason for the Clean in Cleanoptilolite ™). Imagine removing all the heavy metals bound to a magnet, so it was Clean and ready to grab new heavy metals.

    This patent-pending process is so effective at removing these naturally bound toxins from the crystalline cages of normal Clinoptilolite that this product meets and exceeds both FDA CGMP and "the much more stringent" Non-Toxic Project® Standards . By meeting and exceeding these standards this product was awarded the prestigious Non-Toxic Project® Platinum Certification .
  • They used another multi-step patent-pending process to create more cages and surface area that significantly increases the binding capacity of the naturally formed crystals. 

No other product in the world has THIS trademarked and patent-pending scientific breakthrough binder. We have exclusive rights to it...

We’ve included Cleanoptilolite ™ to complete this ultimate gut toxin formula for two critical reasons:

  • It further attracts heavy metals and other environmental toxins that our enhanced carbon may miss. To ensure toxins are not robbing you of immunity and cause inflammation... and...
  • Studies have shown that Clinoptilolite is also a powerful defender against toxic pathogens 13 .

One study showed positive “immunomodulatory” (immune-boosting) effects. 

And the research noted: 

"This effect may probably be attributed to a direct adhesion of the [pathogen] particles on clinoptilolite in vitro, which then inhibits [pathogen] entrance in the cells and replication. 13 "

And Cleanoptilolite™ clearly adds this in abundance.

And we did not stop there!

TrueCarbonCleanse ®  ALSO Contains a Wide Array Of Potent Gut and Liver Toxin Fighters, Including: 

Beyond the ultimate super carbon and patent-pending clinoptilolite... 

... to make this formula even more potent,
we’ve also added the following to TrueCarbonCleanse

  • Baozene® Baobab Fruit Powder (s tandardized  to contain 70% fiber) is sourced from African tree's some 1000's of years old.  It is potent gut prebiotic and antioxidant promoting a healthy gastrointestinal tract.

    It's naturally occurring pectin, and high soluble fiber content supports further binding and elimination of heavy metals.

    The fruit has traditionally been used as an immunostimulant and anti-inflammatory; it has been shown to have liver protective effects against certain toxins14 .
  • Apple Fiber ​further binds toxins and provides beneficial fiber for microbiome health and toxin elimination...
  • Magnesium Oxide brings water into your intestines, kills pathogens, and dilutes the toxic load... 
  • Fulvic acids to bind even more toxins and help smother pathogens and prevent their attachment to cell membranes...also provides over 70 ionically bound plant-sourced trace minerals 15 ...

    Adding clean Fulvic Acid to TrueCarbonCleanse  is essential because toxicity and the detox process both deplete you of minerals...

    TrueCarbonCleanse is alkaline, which gives it a negative ion charge... 

    This causes Fulvic Acids to bind with positively charged toxins (heavy metals) electromagnetically...

TrueCarbonCleanse ®  Also 
Helps with Gas and Bloating... 

... because the negative ions neutralize gases that the liver would otherwise have to handle... 

TrueCarbonCleanse even helps absorb pathogens (virus, bacteria, parasites, mycoplasma) and their metabolic wastes... 

Because it’s critical you have something that can attach to biotoxins (candida, molds, etc.) in the intestines to prevent resorption... 

Best of all, TrueCarbonCleanse does NOT interfere with normal nutrient absorption or intestinal function... 

In fact, early data shows daily use of TrueCarbonCleanse can lower the body’s toxic exposure by 60%... 

It’s also helpful at trapping pesticides, herbicides, and plastics when nonorganic foods are eaten...

This is why we recommend  taking TrueCarbonCleanse 30- minutes before each meal.

I Mean... Let’s Face It, We  Can’t Eat Organic or Be  “Pure” All the Time... 

And sometimes even organic vegetables are tainted... 

Like the recent thallium scare in organic kale... 

TrueCarbonCleanse may not be as good at pulling toxins out of hard-to-reach places or cells... 

But for the role in neutralizing dangerous toxins and safely escorting them out of the body... 

There Really is Nothing Better. 

No other charcoal detox products contain this “super activated” form... 

No others contain full-spectrum detox and remineralization support... 

But, TrueCarbonCleanse does, and it’s the perfect addition to your heavy metal and chemical detox journey... 

Our practitioners tell their clients in this program to take TrueCarbonCleanse 30 minutes before meals and...

Right before bed to catch toxins during your body's "Liver Dump or Dawn Phenomenon," which typically occurs between 1 AM and 4 AM at night.

This surge of toxins and glucose from your Livers — Dawn Phenomenon can commonly wake you up at night.

TrueCarbonCleanse helps grab this toxic dump at night, and therefore, can allow you to sleep through the night every time you take it before bed.

But today, here ON THIS PAGE ONLY...
You Can Save 66% on 
TrueCarbonCleanse ®

We’ve seen so many miracles with TrueCarbonCleanse... 

Especially for those with sensitive liver issues... 

That we wanted to give you an opportunity to save BIG on

TrueCarbonCleanse is a game-changer... 

Once you try it, you’ll never leave home without it... 

And you’ll certainly never travel to a foreign country without it... 

It’s the ultimate all-in-one detox aid... 

And it’s on sale exclusively on this page... 

With this innovative cellular detox process we’ve pioneered... 

TrueCarbonCleanse is also protected by our generous, 60-day guarantee*... 

So in the unlikely event that you’re not blown away... 

Just say the word, and we’ll refund every penny you invested today... 

But That’s Not  Going to Happen... 

We’ve seen TrueCarbonCleanse work too well for too many people... 

With the over 80,000+ chemicals we’re exposed to... 

With metals in everything from tuna and chicken... to kale... to baby food... 

You need daily, ongoing insurance against toxins... 

You deserve the peace of mind of KNOWING your system is clean... 

Toxins are NOT getting re-absorbed

Your cells are getting younger... 

And your health is transforming — giving you the body, energy, beauty, and feel-good vitality that empowers your entire life... 

That’s what TrueCarbonCleanse does for you... 

Meme Loftin  
CytoDefend is packed with powerful immune boosting herbs, roots and Zinc. I'm grateful to have this in my "medicine cabinet" to help protect myself and my family! I like that it's a concentrated liquid that is convenient to take and can easily be added to juice or Kombucha for kids.
This is a very high quality product that was created consciously with a great attention to ingredients and design. I appreciate that it is Non-Toxic Project Certified and in a glass bottle with a glass dropper.  — Meme Loftin, Owner of Helping Kids Love Food
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The Liver and Gut Detox Ingredients in TrueCarbonCleanse® are also Known to:

  • Absorb up to 300 times its weight in toxins
  • Can lower your body’s toxic exposure by 60%
  • Bind bio-toxins (candida, molds, etc.) in the intestines, prevents reabsorption
  • Help trap pesticides, herbicides, and plastics when nonorganic foods are eaten
  • Absorb pathogens (virus, bacteria, parasites, mycoplasma) and their metabolic wastes
  • Bring water into the intestines to flush the colon clean
  • Bind positively charges toxins (like heavy metals)
  • Support leaky gut (via prebiotic's added)
  • Absorb colon gases (i.e. prevent flatus)
  • Favorably impact cholesterol via binding the bile complex 
  • Support mineral transport throughout the body and supports cellular fluidity.
  • Smother viruses and prevent their attachment to cell membranes
  • Provide over 70 plant-sourced trace minerals
  • Promote healthy enzyme reactions
  • Help prevent gas and bloating
Trisha B.
After struggling with chronic fatigue and some inflammatory issues one of my friends recommended that I could have a build-up of toxins like heavy metals (our water is horrible here). 
I tried 3 different carbon detoxes and this is by far my favorite. I actually FELT the difference in just few days. All I can say is THANK YOU." 
Kenz B.
"After living in a toxic home where my dog and I both sick with joint pain other autoimmune symptoms.  
After getting on TrueCarbonCleanse it has helped aleviate many of them while I continue to detox my home from chemicals and mold ."
Anthony F.

“TrueCarbonCleanse is the best gut-cleansing product I’ve ever tried. And I’ve tried dozens, including other forms of activated charcoal. Anytime I travel, anytime I want extra immunity support or feel off in any way, I take TrueCarbonCleanse and quickly feel better. It’s incredible.”

*(Special Discounted Pricing Available For A Limited Time Only)

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